elevation graphs for tracks using gnuplot; implemented by
plug-ins contributed by Rudolf Martin (rudolf.martin_at_gmx.de).
for tracks, improved computation of total (or cumulative)
ascent/descent, computation of rest periods, total resting time and
average speed in motion, estimated time for a hiking trail;
contributed by Rudolf Martin.
new configuration parameter: user temporary files directory;
must be set correctly for GPSMan to work; it defaults to .tmp
under the user GPSMan directory.
new user options: altitude threshold when computing cumulative
ascent/descent, operating system commands to display an image file
and open a terminal (command-line) window; default of altitude
threshold is appropriate for GPS receivers with non-barometric
change in default for user option (was a configuration
parameter): the print command starts now by being empty (meaning
new projections: Mercator spherical case, Equidistant
Cylindrical, and their particular cases EPSG:3857 (also known as
EPSG:900913, EPSG:102113) and EPSG:32663 (Plate Carree with WGS 84
datum); asked by Rudolf Martin.
in order to avoid ill formed or inconsistent data files,
appending to a file is no longer an option when writing to an
existing file except in the case of results of computations,
real-time logs and contents of information windows.
windows presenting results that depend on the definition of a
route or track, such as computations or graphs, may be closed when
the item changes after being edited or being replaced when data is
read-in; based on a change suggested by Rudolf Martin.
unavailable expression of plug-ins are now evaluated at top
level so that global variables can be used.
explicit support for the Garmin GPS 72H receiver; with thanks to
Justin Arundell and Julian Barragan who sent protocol lists.
GPSMan User Manual Copyright 1998-2013 Miguel