Data and examplesProgramsExternal utilitiesSeparate GPSMan utilities

Separate GPSMan utilities

The GPSMan distribution includes (in the util directory) some other utilities that can also be downloaded from the GPSMan site.

The first three below were not integrated into GPSMan because the format of the HTML pages they read does not follow any known specification and may change at any time. They must be edited for configuration and GPSMan must be installed before they can be used.

MapBlast waypoints

mb2gmn.tcl converts the waypoints listed in HTML pages of the MapBlast site into GPSMan files. At its core is code contributed by Martin Ostermann (Aachen University of Technology). It translates HTML pages produced at the MapBlast site in answer to queries under the Directions section; the pages should be saved locally and then opened from the program.

MapsOnUS routes

mou2gmn.tcl converts the routes listed in HTML pages of the MapsOnUS site into GPSMan files. At its core is code contributed by Frank Kujawski ( It translates HTML pages created at the MapsOnUS site as follows: go to the "General Options" (under the "Tools" menu), select "Show Latitude & Longitude", plan a route, "jump to turn-by-turn directions", hit the "non-tabular format" link and save locally the HTML page. These files are then opened from the program and the resulting files will contain the routes and their waypoints. The remark fields of the waypoints will have the directions in the HTML pages.

GreenFlag routes

gf2gmn.tcl converts the routes listed in HTML pages of the GreenFlag site into GPSMan files. At its core is code contributed by Nigel Orr ( It translates HTML pages produced at the GreenFlag site [link not working on June 2007] as follows:

The saved pages are then opened from gf2gmn.tcl.

BGA (DOS) turnpoints

dos2gpsman.tcl converts BGA (British Gliding Association) DOS turnpoints files to GPSMan. It was contributed by Paul Scorer ( It reads from and writes to the standard input and standard output unless otherwise specified by the arguments which are:
[-p feature] [-f findability] [-a air_activity] \
         [-i in_file] [-o out_file] [-h] [--help]
where findability is a letter in A to D or G, and air_activity is a 1 or 2-characters string.

Splitting a Shapefile into quadrants

shape2quadr.tcl reads a Shapefile and from a list of quadrangles (defined by extreme latitude and longitude) produces GPSMan files, one for the set of items in the file that belong to each quadrangle. Quadrangles may overlap. Items may belong to more than one quadrangle. This utility may prove helpful for dealing with large Shapefiles. It can be called in two ways: the common arguments being: FILE, the Shapefile to be read, and PREFIX that is used for generating a file name for each quadrangle.

Shapefiles with points are not supported and altitudes are not kept. The coordinates in the Shapefile are assumed to be in decimal degrees (DDD) in the "WGS 84" datum (it can easily be changed in the utility source).

All items read are saved as GPSMan polylines (LNs) in DDD format. Each quadrangle file will also have a group (GR) with all its polylines, so that it will be easy to display/hide all of them at once; the file starts with a comment giving the boundaries of the quadrangle. The file name is of the form PREFIX_QUAD where QUAD is the quadrangle name; each file is created in the current directory destroying any file under the same name.

GPSMan User Manual
Copyright 1998-2013 Miguel Filgueiras,

Creative Commons License
GPSMan User Manual and the GPSMan logo images by Miguel Filgueiras are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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Data and examplesProgramsExternal utilitiesSeparate GPSMan utilities