GPSMan incorporates code contributed by
- Brian Baulch ( communication with Lowrance
receivers, support for the wheelmouse, real-time logging (variant for
the Lowrance);
- Rogério Reis (Universidade do Porto): Debian Linux
package and the utilities to configure and lock the serial port;
- Andreas Lange ( support for German
(versions below 6.0);
- Alessandro Palmas ( implementation of elevation
graphs for tracks and routes, both in 2 and 3 dimensions,
support for Italian, and exportation of data in OziExplorer format;
- Niki Hammler ( Perl script for reading
waypoint data in Fugawi export format which was translated into Tcl
and incorporated in GPSMan;
- Martin Ostermann (Aachen University of Technology): conversion
of waypoints listed in HTML pages of the MapBlast site into GPSMan
- Valère Robin ( support for
French, importation of EasyGPS export format, and importation and
exportation of GPX and KML formats;
- David Wolfskill ( FreeBSD package;
- Rob Buitenhuis ( support for Dutch;
- Frank Kujawski ( conversion
of routes listed in HTML pages of the MapsOnUS site into GPSMan
- Tri Agus Prayitno ( support for
- Matt Martin ( communication with
Magellan receivers;
- Stefan Heinen ( new
data structures for datums, the procedure to access them and changes
to improve the focus policy and bindings under MS-Windows;
- Heiko Thede ( shell- and Tcl-scripts that
convert export files from Map&Guide and related software (Falk,
Power Route) to files in GPSMan format and which were incorporated
in GPSMan;
- Sabine Broda (Universidade do Porto): support for German (since
version 6.0);
- Alberto Morales ( support for Spanish;
- Martin Buck ( resizing of 2D graphs,
change in track edit window;
- David Kaplan ( RPM packages
- Jean H. Theoret ( code for changing the symbol of
each waypoint in a group;
- Paul Scorer ( a Tcl-script
implementing importation of British Gliding Association turnpoint
(DOS) files;
- Nigel Orr ( conversion
of routes listed in HTML pages of the GreenFlag site into GPSMan
- David Gardner (
creating a group from (un)displayed items, and automatically numbering
routes when sending to the receiver;
- Nikolai Kosyakoff ( support for
Russian (2007);
- Benoit Steiner ( displaying
information on points of 2D elevation graphs, and computation of
cummulative ascent (height of climbing) for tracks;
- Sándor Laky ( support for the EOV
(Hungarian National) projection and grid;
- Alexander B. Preobrazhenskiy ( support for
Russian (since October 2009);
- Rudolf Martin ( plug-ins for
creating plots of tracks using gnuplot and for other computations
related with tracks.
Thanks are due to:
- Alberto Morales ( for contributing the
support for Spanish and for his suggestions.
- Alexander B. Preobrazhenskiy ( for
contributing with translations for Russian.
- Alessandro Palmas ( for his implementation of
elevation graphs for routes and tracks, for providing continued support
for Italian, for contributing the exportation of data in OziExplorer
format, and for his help in debugging and his suggestions for
- Anders Lennartsson ( for
permission to translate code in GPStrans for the Swedish grid
- Andreas Lange ( for providing continued
support for German and the description of the GKK projection.
- Andy Walls ( who provided pointers to
Gamin protocol specifications available in different documents on
the Garmin site.
- Asbjørn Djupdal ( who provided
invaluable help, including remote access to his desktop and
receiver, in making experiments with a first implementation of the
Garmin USB protocol.
- Ashutosh Dutta ( for testing the
communication with the Garmin GPS 72 receiver and for his suggestions.
- Attila Berenyi ( for his
suggestions and help concerning the support for the Hungarian Datum and
- Barry Samuels ( for
his help in debugging.
- Benoit Steiner ( who contributed code
for displaying information on points of 2D elevation graphs and
computing the cummulative ascent (height of climbing) for tracks,
and who prepared documentation on GPSMan.
- Brian Baulch ( for his work on
adapting GPSMan for Lowrance receivers, for his ideas on
improvements to GPSMan, for the wheelmouse support,
real-time logging (variant for the Lowrance),
and help on finding and destroying bugs.
- Brice-Olivier Demory ( who
did the tests leading to the explicit support of the Garmin GPS 76
- Carsten Tschach ( for making
available GPStrans.
- Dan Jacobson ( for his help in
debugging, his suggestions and the information on the Taiwan grid.
- Daniel Dorau ( for his
help in debugging the support for the Garmin GPSMAP 60CSX.
- David Gardner ( for
contributing code that creates a group from (un)displayed items, and
that re-numbers routes when sending to the receiver, and for his
help in debugging.
- David Kaplan ( for contributing the
RPM packages of GPSMan (2003-2004).
- David Wolfskill ( who prepared a
FreeBSD package of GPSMan, and helped with the use of the Img
- Edouard Lafargue who tested the communication with the Garmin
- Eduardo Veloso who kindly provided links to information on
aviation symbols.
- Elric Milon Beltran ( for his
help in debugging the support for the Garmin EDGE 205.
- Feczák Szabolcs ( for his help in
debugging the support for the Garmin EDGE 305.
- Frank Jordan (Universität Duisburg) for his help and patience in
testing the communication with the Garmin eTrex receiver, for
his suggestions on improvements to GPSMan and for his help in the
process of making the GPSMan Debian package a part of the official
Debian distribution.
- Frank Kujawski (, for the tests with
the eTrex Legend and the contribution of code for converting
route information in MapsOnUS HTML format into GPSMan format.
- Hans Olzem ( who helped with the
testing of the communication with the Garmin GPSMAP 276C.
- Harald Koenig (Universität Tübingen) for the tests
of the communication over a USB serial port under Linux and his
- Harald Stauss ( for his help in debugging,
his suggestions, and for testing the communication with the
Garmin eTrex Euro.
- Heiko Thede ( that contributed a
shell and Tcl scripts to convert export files from Map&Guide 2002
and 2003/2004 text formats to GPSMan format.
- Herbert Tammer (H.E.Tammer_at_DNB.NL) for the tests with
the GPSMAP 76.
- Hermann Kneissel, the author of the Garmin USB Linux kernel
driver, for making it available and for his help on how to use it.
- James B. Mehl ( who provided the
formulas for the Least Squares fit method and helped with tests and
detailed suggestions.
- Jan Max Krueger (University of Konstanz) for making available sample
IGC files and information on their use.
- Janne Sinkkonen ( for permission to translate code
in GPStrans for the Finnish KKJY grid coordinates.
- Jean H. Theoret ( who contributed the code for
changing the symbol of each waypoint in a group.
- Jim McGuire ( who provided information
on TFW files.
- Jim Wang who tested the communication with the Garmin GPSMAP 295.
- João Pedro Pedroso (Universidade do Porto) for his help
with the criteria to change goals when navigating a route in an
approximate way.
- John Hay ( for his suggestions and
- John M. Quinn (U. S. Geological Survey) for making available
the GEOMAG algorithm for estimating the magnetic declination.
- Jonathan Pennington ( who tested the
communication with the Garmin GPS III+.
- José Paulo Leal and Luís Damas (Universidade do Porto)
who keep solving my problems with Tcl/Tk.
- Klaus Ethgen ( for his great help in
testing the communication with the Garmin GPSMAP 76S, and in debugging
the low-level communication with Garmin receivers, and for sending
information on the Garmin GPSMAP 60C.
- Kyle Grieser ( for all the work in testing the
communication with the Garmin 12Map.
- Lance DeVooght ( for the tests of the
communication with the Garmin Forerunner 301.
- Laurent Bonnaud ( for sending a list
of protocols and corrections on language support files.
- Luísa Bastos (Universidade do Porto), Gil Gonçalves
(Universidade de Coimbra), José Alberto Gonçalves (Universidade
do Porto) and Sérgio Cunha (Universidade do Porto) for their help
with geodetic formulae and information.
- Mariusz Dabrowski ( who corrected a
bug in reading GPX files with geocache names.
- Marko Hyvärinen ( for testing the communication
with the Garmin 12CX.
- Martin Buck ( who contributed the resizing
of 2D graphs, and a change to track edit window.
- Martin Ostermann (Aachen University of Technology) who
contributed code for converting waypoint information in MapBlast
HTML format into GPSMan format.
- Mathias Herberts ( for the
information on how to use GPSMan under MacOS X systems.
- Matt Martin ( who implemented the
support for Magellan receivers.
- Max Spring ( for testing the communication
with the Garmin eTrex Mariner.
- Nigel Orr ( who contributed
the conversion of routes listed in HTML pages of the GreenFlag
site into GPSMan data.
- Niki Hammler ( who wrote a Perl script for
reading waypoints data in Fugawi export format.
- Nikolai Kosyakoff ( who contributed
the support for Russian.
- Odilon Ferreira Jr (, the author of
GPS-TrackMaker, who kindly provided information on the file formats
and datums used by his program.
- Paul Scorer ( who suggested the
importation of FAI IGC data files and the drawing of climb rate graphs,
kindly providing a noise-reduction filter for them, and contributed
code for importing BGA DOS turnpoint files.
- Peter H. Dana (University of Texas) who provided help in correcting
bugs in the conversion of UTM/UPS coordinates and information on map
- Pierre Thibaudeau ( for all his effort
in debugging the communication with the Garmmin Forerunner and
exportation to Ozi files.
- Povl H. Pedersen ( who corrected a bug in
the implementation of the Garmin protocol.
- Rob Buitenhuis ( who contributed
the support for Dutch, the definition of the Schreiber projection
and of the Netherlands grid and helped in debugging.
- Robert Joop ( who contributed new
symbols, provided valuable suggestions and information on the Garmin
eTrex Vista C, and helped in debugging.
- Rogério Reis (Universidade do Porto) for an algorithm for
simplifying tracks, for his ideas on the interface functionality,
help in debugging and his work on creating and maintaining a Linux
Debian GPSMan package.
- Rolf Hatt ( who tested the communication
with the Garmin GPSMAP 180.
- Ron Schmars ( who helped with tests of a
first implementation of the Garmin USB protocol.
- Rudolf Martin ( who contributed
plug-ins and code that use gnuplot in producing elevation
graphs for tracks and compute new values related to tracks,
suggested a great number of changes to GPSMan and corrected or
helped in correcting a number of bugs.
- Russell Nelson ( for his help in
debugging the communication with the Garmmin Forerunner.
- Sabine Broda (Universidade do Porto) who contributed the
support for German since version 6.0.
- Sándor Laky ( for his contribution
implementing the EOV (Hungarian National) projection and grid.
- Stefan Hauser ( who made the tests of the
communication with the Garmin eMap 2.71 and for his suggestions.
- Stefan Heinen ( who tested the
communication with the Garmin eTrex Summit, contributed new
data structures for datums, the procedure to access them and changes
to improve the focus policy and bindings under MS-Windos,
as well as for his worked out suggestions.
- Steve Brown for his help in debugging the communication with
the Lowrance Globalmap 100 receiver.
- Thomas Trauber for testing the communication with the Garmin
eTrex receiver.
- Thomas Zumbrunn ( for his help in
debugging the support for the Garmin GPSMAP 76CSX.
- Tri Agus Prayitno ( who provided the
support for Indonesian.
- Valère Robin ( who contributed
the support for French and the importation of the EasyGPS export and
GPX formats, the exportation in GPX and KML formats and for his
- Wes Johnston ( for the tests of the
command-line mode under Cygwin.
- William D. Hamblen (
for his help in debugging the communication with the Garmmin
- Zvi Grauer ( for creating a site
with documentation on GPSMan, for his PHP script to post
information to Twitter, for his help in debugging and his
- those who sent lists of protocols for Garmin receivers: John
Matthews, Christoph Dworzak, Sabine Sagner-Weigl, Matthias M. Weber,
David Klotz, Gerrit Huizenga, Hugo Trippaers, Eric D. Christensen,
Gracjan Ziolek, Louis Mandelstam, Dan Hobner, Peter Van Loock, Aapo
Rista, Chuck Cox, Alexander Damyanov, Joel Staker, Pierre
Thibaudeau, Russell Nelson, William D. Hamblen, Jerry Walker, Vlatko
Kosturjak, Alan Rogers, Peter MacDonald, Luca Marletta, Ariel
Garcia, Cliff Dugal, Imre Simon, José Maria Alonso, Dennis
Langenfeld, Eric Smith, Simon Wood, Al Nikolov, Oliver Theis, Chris
Smith, Jan Arne Fagertun, Marques Johansson, Dan Bluestein, Steven
Kollmansberger, David Bannon, Harry Palmer, Wes Johnston, Frank
Sommer, Doug Larrick, Thomas Zumbrunn, Jiri Dvorak, Daniel Dorau,
Nenad, Elric Milon Beltran, Michel Equeter, Dominic Hargreaves,
Sébastien Roy, Nicolas Brouard, Reinhold Pschierer, Sven Anders, Jon
Stockill, Philip Hands, Rolf Werum, Patrick Kik, Waldemar de
Laurent, Jon Niehof, Harry Jensen, Alberto Ham, Hans-Peter Nilsson,
Jorge Sanchez, Jeremiah Horner, Wouter Amsterdam, Facundo Ariel
Perez, David W. Capella, Hiroshi Iwamoto, András Veres-Szentkirályi,
Steven Winikoff, Stefan Heller, Greg McQuat, Andy Walls, Jeff
Hanson, Gerry Creager, Paul B. Hoch, Johann Spies, Bruce Dawson,
Bogdan Hlevca, Ralf Kleineisel, David Antliff, Slaven Rezic,
Matthias Wenzel, Lovro Palaversa, Adrian Lawrence, Oliver Hegner,
David P. Brown, M. Gutman, Jean-Yves Sage, Damien Porquet,
Vincent Arkesteijn, Patrice Arnal, Zvi Grauer, James B. Mehl,
Ken Stephens, Elven Decker, Bill Rainey, Thomas D. Dean, Mark
N. Reihart, Pekka Ahoi, Alexander B. Preobrazhenskiy, Fred Weijs,
Mario Borgnia, Justin Arundell, Julian Barragan, Martin Espinoza,
and anonymous.
- those who sent screenshots of GPSMan use:
Eric Spierings, Luca de Alfaro , Mathias Herberts, Tim Jacobs
- Wolfgang Rupprecht, Tony Mollica, Andrey Semiuglov, Ron Thomas,
John Madore, Kevin Geiss, Russell Senior, Urs Forster, Scot E.
Wilcoxon, David Fletcher, Dragan Milicic, Anto Veldre, Slaven Rezic,
Ronaldo Reis Jr., Tomasz R. Surmacz, Andreas Hünnebeck, Kenneth
Ingham, Gianluca Interbartolo, Victor Yip, Siegfried Leisen,
Christian Hubbauer, David Klotz, Paulo Quaresma, Christian Potthoff,
Ron Schmars, Paul Makepeace, Louis Mandelstam, Dan Hobner, Chuck
Cox, Paolo Cavallini, Meinolf Braeutigam, Pascal Brisset, Stefan
Nickl, Joakim Majander, Graham Meadows, Frank Mohr, John Francis
Lee, Jens C. Rasmussen, Balazs Lengyak, Daniele Scarselli, Delbert
D. Franz, Wes Johnston, Johannes Bitterling, Juraj Lehuta, Matthias
Prinke, Bert Lange, John Martin, Mark Boal, Tim Jacobs, Simon Wood,
Menashay, Tomasz Motylewski, Franz J. Polster, Greg Metcalfe, Kevin
R. Battersby, Josh Freeman, Matt Wilkie, Kari Likovuori, Cvetan
Ivanov, Sébastien Roy, Bernd Stuht, Marc van der Sluys, Terry
Feldman, Jon Niehof, Jeremy Dinsel, Tomi Ollila, Leonardo Boselli,
Steve Brown, Carlo Dietl, Stephen Berryman, Peter Eiserloh, Hans
P. Stroebel, Rudolf Martin, Rob Gom, Rogier Wolff, Ian Gibbs, Martin
Lüthi, Wilhelm Spickermann, Ute Platzer, Han Holl, Richard Zidlicky,
Miguel Paulin, Anthony Mascola,
for their help in detecting and tracking down bugs and/or for their
GPSMan WWW pages
Copyright ©Miguel
, 1998-2014

The GPSMan User Manual and the GPSMan logo images by Miguel Filgueiras are licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.