The project CommandUsing GPSMan in Command-line ModeThe start travel CommandThe translate Command

The translate Command

The translate command reads information from a file in a given format and writes it to another file in another given format:

Examples: the following command

translate gpsman data/myWPRTs Shapefile dim=2 pformat=UTM datum="WGS 84" \
    RT sroutes
reads the data in the GPSMan file data/myWPRTs and writes the routes in it to Shapefiles with basename sroutes, with no altitude information (2 dimensions) and using UTM coordinates for the WGS84 datum (note that a Shapefile set can only have items of a single type). The command
translate gpsman data/myWPRTs gpsman WP data/myWPs
creates from the same input file a GPSMan file data/myWPs that only has the waypoints. With
translate gpsman data/myData itoffset=1 gpsman TR data/myTRs
does a similar thing with tracks but assumes the time offset of the input file is 1 (1 hour less than UTC), overriding the value given in the file.

GPSMan User Manual
Copyright 1998-2013 Miguel Filgueiras,

Creative Commons License
GPSMan User Manual and the GPSMan logo images by Miguel Filgueiras are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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The project CommandUsing GPSMan in Command-line ModeThe start travel CommandThe translate Command