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Symbols A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

accurate formulas
accurate formulas
almanac data
altitude threshold
altitude unit
animation, track
character set
characters in names, RT
characters in names, WP
climb rate graph
colours, interface
command mode, exec
command mode, geopicts
command mode, georef
command mode, getalmanac
command mode, getfix
command mode, getrtimelog
command mode, getwrite
command mode, parameters
command mode, project
command mode, read
command mode, readput
command mode, source
command mode, start travel
command mode, translate
command mode, haslib
command mode, is available
command mode, is connected
command mode, show datums
command mode, show formats
command mode, show help
command mode, show projections
command mode, show protocols
command mode, show symbols
command mode, show transfs
command mode, show
configuration, temporary directory
configuration, user code
configuration, user directory
current version
dangerous use
dangerous use
dangerous use
date format
datum, change
datum, default
datum, user-defined
datum, variant
datum, waypoint
distance unit
distance unit
distance unit
distance unit, coordinates grid
distance, computation
elevation graph, font
elevation graph, for RT
elevation graph, for TR
elevation graph, for TR (gnuplot)
file, displaying items
file, foreign format, BGA
file, foreign format, EasyGPS
file, foreign format, Falk
file, foreign format, Fugawi
file, foreign format, GD2
file, foreign format, GPStrans
file, foreign format, GPStrans
file, foreign format, GPX
file, foreign format, GTrackMaker
file, foreign format, IGC
file, foreign format, Kismet
file, foreign format, Kismet
file, foreign format, KML
file, foreign format, MapEdit
file, foreign format, MapGuide
file, foreign format, MapSend
file, foreign format, Meridian
file, foreign format, NMEA
file, foreign format, OziExplorer
file, foreign format, Power Route
file, foreign format, Shapefile
file, foreign format, Simple Text
file, GPSMan formats
file, GPSMan formats
file, GPSMan formats, image information
file, GPSMan formats, image information
file, GPSMan formats, image information
file, GPSMan formats, item information
file, GPSMan formats, item information
file, GPSMan formats, Least Squares file
file, GPSMan formats, map information
file, not saved on exit
file, permissions
file, translator, BGA
file, translator, GreenFlag
file, translator, MapBlast
file, translator, MapsOnUS
file, translator, Shapefile
Garmin, baud rate
graphics formats
graphics formats
grid coordinates
grid coordinates
grid coordinates, Austrian BMN grid
grid coordinates, Austrian BMN grid
grid coordinates, Basic Finnish grid
grid coordinates, Basic Finnish grid
grid coordinates, BMN
grid coordinates, BMN
grid coordinates, BNG
grid coordinates, BNG
grid coordinates, British National Grid
grid coordinates, British National Grid
grid coordinates, British West Indies Grid
grid coordinates, British West Indies grid
grid coordinates, BWI
grid coordinates, BWI
grid coordinates, Carta Tecnica Regionale (Italy)
grid coordinates, CMP
grid coordinates, CMP
grid coordinates, CTR
grid coordinates, CTR
grid coordinates, EOV
grid coordinates, German grid
grid coordinates, German grid
grid coordinates, German grid
grid coordinates, GKK
grid coordinates, GKK
grid coordinates, Iceland Grid
grid coordinates, Iceland grid
grid coordinates, IcG
grid coordinates, IcG
grid coordinates, Irish Transverse Mercator grid
grid coordinates, Irish Transverse Mercator grid
grid coordinates, ITM
grid coordinates, ITM
grid coordinates, KKJP
grid coordinates, KKJY
grid coordinates, KKJY
grid coordinates, KKP
grid coordinates, Lamb93
grid coordinates, Lamb93
grid coordinates, Lambert 93 grid
grid coordinates, Lambert 93 grid (France)
grid coordinates, Lambert NTF grid
grid coordinates, Lambert NTF grid (France)
grid coordinates, Lambert NTF étendue grid
grid coordinates, Lambert NTF étendue grid (France)
grid coordinates, LambNTF
grid coordinates, LambNTF
grid coordinates, LambNTFe
grid coordinates, LambNTFe
grid coordinates, LV03
grid coordinates, Netherlands Grid
grid coordinates, Netherlands grid
grid coordinates, Portuguese Military Maps grid
grid coordinates, Portuguese Military Maps grid
grid coordinates, RDG
grid coordinates, RDG
grid coordinates, SEG
grid coordinates, SEG
grid coordinates, Swedish Grid
grid coordinates, Swedish Grid
grid coordinates, Swiss LV03 Grid
grid coordinates, Swiss LV03 grid
grid coordinates, Taiwan Grid
grid coordinates, Taiwan Grid
grid coordinates, TAlbers
grid coordinates, TAlbers
grid coordinates, Teale Albers
grid coordinates, Teale Albers
grid coordinates, TWG
grid coordinates, TWG
grid coordinates, Uniform Finnish grid
grid coordinates, Uniform Finnish grid
grid coordinates, user-defined
grid coordinates, UTM/UPS
grid, map background image
group as search domain
group elements
group elements
group on map
group to WP
group, clusters of WPs
group, create
group, datum of WPs
group, for a run
group, for a run
group, forget
group, forget elements
group, generated WPs
group, position format of WPs
group, read/write
group, save
group, search results
group, symbol of WPs
group, usage
hidden information
hidden information
hidden information
hidden information
how to create clusters of WPs
how to, create, LN on map
how to, create, WP when geo-referencing
how to, create, WP when geo-referencing
how to: change RT stage
how to: control real-time logging
how to: create item
how to: create LN from TR
how to: create RT from TR
how to: create RT on map
how to: create simplified TR
how to: create WP during travel
how to: create WP from GR
how to: create WP from TP
how to: create WP from TR
how to: create!WP on map
how to: datum of WPs
how to: define/change coordinates grid
how to: define/change datum
how to: define/change ellipsoid
how to: define/change projection
how to: edit RT on map
how to: geo-reference image
how to: load background image
how to: load background image, more than one
how to: map/un-map item
how to: map/un-map item
how to: map/un-map item
how to: open item
how to: position format of WPs
how to: position map cursor
how to: read/write filtering with GR
how to: read/write item
how to: scroll/pan map
how to: select real-time protocol
how to: start real-time simulator
how to: symbol of WPs
input/output operations
installing GPSMan
item name, allowed characters
item name, allowed characters
item, forget
item, comment
item, count
item, create
item, create
item, forget
item, forget
item, forget
item, forget
item, forget
item, name
item, name
item, on map
item, on map
item, on map
item, open
item, open, constraint
item, overwrite
item, overwrite
item, read/write
item, read/write
item, remark
item, remark
item, rename
item, rename
item, rename
item, same name
item, same name
lap, loading
lap, loading
lap, run
lap, run
lap, support
launching GPSMan
link, route
list, clear
list, menus
list, scroll
map background image
map background image
map background image, more than one
map cursor
map datum
map datum
map datum
map datum
map scale
map scale
map scale
map, transformation of coordinates, Least Squares fit
map, background image name
map, background image name
map, background image name
map, background image name
map, background image name
map, create RT
map, create WP
map, create, LN
map, cursor
map, distance and azimuth
map, edit RT
map, font
map, geo-referenced
map, geo-referenced
map, menu for WP
map, scale, small-scale
map, scroll/pan
map, size
map, transformation file
map, transformation of coordinates
map, transformation of coordinates
map, transformation of coordinates
map, transformation of coordinates
map, transformation of coordinates, Least Squares file
map, transformation of coordinates, Ozi map file
map, transformation of coordinates, TFW file
menu, for WP on map
menu, size
MH coordinates
OS command, display image
OS command, display image
OS command, open terminal
OS command, open terminal
OS command, print/process PS
OS command, print/process PS
OS command, print/process PS
paper size
platform, Linux
platform, Linux, Debian
platform, Linux, Debian
platform, Linux, other
platform, Linux, RPM package
platform, Linux, RPM package
platform, Macintosh
platform, non-Unix
platform, other
platform, other
platform, Unix
platform, Unix
polyline point
polyline point, altitude
polyline point, position
polyline, colour
polyline, create
polyline, create
polyline, operations on
polyline, position format
polyline, reacting to events
polyline, segment
polyline, segment
polyline, segment
polyline, splitting
polyline, to TR
polyline, width
polyline, width
position format, cursor
position, format
position, format
position, format
position, format
preferences file
preferences file
preferences, changes
problems, known
projection, Albers Equal Area
projection, American Polyconic
projection, associated grid
projection, Austrian BMN grid projection
projection, Basic Finnish Grid projection
projection, British National Grid projection
projection, British West Indies projection
projection, Carta Tecnica Regionale projection
projection, Cassini-Soldner
projection, confirm parameters
projection, confirm parameters
projection, EPSG:32663
projection, EPSG:3857, 900913, 102113
projection, Equidistant Cylindrical
projection, German Grid projection
projection, Hungarian National Projection
projection, Iceland Grid
projection, Irish Transverse Mercator Grid projection
projection, Lambert 93 grid projection
projection, Lambert Conic Conformal
projection, Lambert Equal Area Conic
projection, Lambert NTF grid projection
projection, Lambert NTF étendue grid projection
projection, Mercator
projection, Mercator, spherical
projection, Plate Carree
projection, Portuguese Military Maps
projection, Schreiber
projection, small scale maps
projection, Spherical Mercator
projection, Stereographic
projection, Swedish Grid projection
projection, Swiss LV03 Grid projection
projection, Swiss Oblique Mercator
projection, Taiwan Grid projection
projection, Teale Albers grid projection
projection, Transverse Mercator
projection, Transverse Mercator, particular cases
projection, Uniform Finnish Grid projection
projection, user-defined
projection, UTM/UPS
projection, world maps
protocol, Garmin
protocol, Garmin
protocol, Garmin, PVT
protocol, Garmin, Simple Text
protocol, Garmin, Simple Text
protocol, Garmin, USB
protocol, Magellan
protocol, NMEA 0183
protocol, NMEA 0183
real-time log
real-time log, Garmin variant
real-time log, Garmin variant, animation
real-time log, Garmin variant, control
real-time log, Garmin variant, create TR
real-time log, Garmin variant, information
real-time log, Garmin variant, protocols
real-time log, Garmin variant, simulator
real-time log, Garmin variant, time interval
real-time log, Garmin variant, time interval
real-time log, Garmin variant, travel/navigation
real-time log, Lowrance variant
real-time log, Lowrance variant, simulator
real-time log, Magellan
receiver brand
receiver brand
receiver brand
receiver brand
receiver brand, Garmin
receiver brand, Magellan
receiver protocols
receiver, comments
receiver, dates
receiver, lowercase
receiver, lowercase
receiver, names
receiver, no. of items
receiver, parameters
receiver, protocols
receiver, sampling interval
restore saved state
route stage
route stage
route stage, comment
route stage, label
route to TR
route, area enclosed by
route, change on map
route, colour
route, create
route, create
route, create
route, deleted WP
route, elevation graph
route, GreenFlag
route, MapsOnUS
route, name
route, name,numbering
route, name,numbering
route, operations on
route, splitting
route, stage
route, width
route, width
sample data
save, state
save, state
save, state
save, state
save, to PS
save, to PS
save, to PS
save, to PS
search by distance
search domain
search pattern
search results
serial port
serial port
serial port
speed graph
symbols of general use
symbols of use in aviation
symbols of use in land
symbols of use in water
symbols, change in group
symbols, custom menu
symbols, default
time offset
time offset
time offset
track from LN
track from real-time log
track from RT
track point
track point
track point number
track point to WP
track point, altitude
track point, altitude
track point, depth
track point, depth
track point, info to show
track point, number
track point, position
track point, time stamp
track simplification
track to RT
track to WP
track, animation
track, colour
track, computation
track, create
track, graph, climb rate
track, graph, elevation
track, graph, elevation (gnuplot)
track, graph, speed
track, operations on
track, segment
track, segment
track, segment
track, splitting
track, width
track, width
travel window
travel window, font
utilities, external
utilities, GPSMan
UTM/UPS, coordinates
waypoint clusters
waypoint, altitude
waypoint, BGA tunrpoint
waypoint, create
waypoint, create
waypoint, create
waypoint, create
waypoint, create
waypoint, create
waypoint, create, at distance/bearing from another
waypoint, create, when geo-referencing
waypoint, create, when geo-referencing
waypoint, datum
waypoint, datum, change in group
waypoint, display option
waypoint, display option, default
waypoint, GreenFlag
waypoint, in route
waypoint, in route
waypoint, in route
waypoint, MapBlast
waypoint, MapsOnUS
waypoint, menu on map
waypoint, name
waypoint, position
waypoint, position change
waypoint, position change
waypoint, position format
waypoint, position format, change in group
waypoint, renaming method
waypoint, renaming method
waypoint, renaming method
window, closing from window manager
window, main
window, positions
window, sizes
window, slow operation
window, slow operation

GPSMan User Manual
Copyright 1998-2013 Miguel Filgueiras,

Creative Commons License
GPSMan User Manual and the GPSMan logo images by Miguel Filgueiras are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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